Return to Competitions Update

Michael Carter 
Chief Executive Officer, Football South Australia 
21 May 2020

Dear All 

As part of our commitment to continually update you all, I am pleased to provide the following latest information to assist you in your planning activities as we prepare to return to competitions. 

Successful return to (modified) training 

Return to training was permitted from Monday 11 May. Football South Australia prepared and shared a return to training resource hub that can be found on our website, It is hoped that you all found that resource useful in your return to training. It is vital that the training requirements are adhered to and I encourage you to reach out to our staff to ask any questions that may arise. The return to training online coaching session held on Monday 11 May was an outstanding success and credit to our newly appointed Coach Education Manager, Alec Wilson and our Digital Content Coordinator, Matt Mays, for their great work in putting this together. Over 450 coaches from around the country tuned in either via Zoom, Facebook and YouTube. 

Return to Play – Desired dates and discussions with Government for support 

The next area of focus is our return to contact training, shortly followed by a return to competitions. We have clearly stated our desired date for juniors and community to be permitted to return to competitions from the 19 June, with the semi-professional leagues from 4 July. We are working hard to achieve this and are in ongoing discussions with the Minister for Recreation Sport and Racing, Hon Corey Wingard and SA Health. 

Football South Australia has prepared a return to competitions paper that outlines our needs, including permission to have spectators attend games. Additionally, as the three key winter sports, we have initiated a joint approach with Netball SA and SANFL to work with the state government on the vital support that community and grassroots sport requires to return to play, including financially and the importance of spectators. This has been well received by Minister Wingard and discussions with SA Health will follow to ensure we can achieve a safe return to competitions as soon as permitted. 

Consultation on competition modelling 

A series of consultation meetings have commenced and will continue in the coming weeks, as we prepare for a return to competitions. Stakeholders will be provided with season options for consideration. We look forward to receiving feedback. I am pleased that our code is extremely eager to return as soon as permitted and illustrates the commitment from our hard-working clubs and associations. The leadership shown is to be congratulated. 

Clubs and Associations financial recovery proposal to the Government 

Finally, Football South Australia has submitted a clubs and associations financial recovery proposal to the South Australian Government for consideration. The package is designed to provide support in rebooting our football community following the suspension of competitions as a result of COVID-19. We are working hard to provide some relief to clubs and associations as we seek to return to competitions. I will keep everyone informed as matters progress. 

Michael Carter