Return to Training – Step 2 | Statement

Directions issued by the South Australian State Government restrict numbers to a maximum of 80 per venue as of June 1. A venue can be defined as a 1 pitch venue or a multiple pitch venue. Contact training can take place in groups of 20 with a maximum of 80 at any one venue. Practically this does not work for Football. As a result Football South Australia has elevated the matter and has sought an exemption from the current direction to ensure that a venue is classed as one pitch. 

Football SA has submitted a return to contact training Step 2 last week and this is currently being reviewed. The matter is being assessed and an exemption outcome will be provided within the next 24 hours. 

Until Football SA receives further notice, all clubs are advised to implement Step 2 restrictions being contact training with a maximum of 20 participants with no more than 80 people at the venue. 

Thank you for your patience. 



Step 2 Training – What is Permitted

  • Contact training permitted.
  • A maximum of 20 players.
  • No more than 80 people at the venue.

*The 20 participants per group specified does not include coaches and support staff.  As a consequence, the 80 participants per venue does not include coaches and support staff.


Step 1 Training – What is Not Permitted

  • Activities involving more than 20 players.
  • Handling of the equipment (minimal).


When conducting Step 2 training requirements, the following conditions are to be implemented by the Coach/Club Official:

  • Training Requirements:
    • Records of attendance at training are maintained.
    • Contact training can be conducted.
    • No more than 20 players per half of the field.
    • Any handling of equipment is to be kept to a minimal.
    • Maintain social distancing during breaks in training or when not training.
  • No usage of change rooms, gym, wet or inside areas
  • Only essential people are to attend training sessions (i.e. players, coaches, and volunteers involved in operations and one parent/carer of participants).
  • One Parent/caregiver is permitted for supervision purposes and if feasible they are encouraged to wait in car / outside venue to avoid gatherings.
  • If training bibs are used, each individual player is to be allocated a bib and each player is required to take the bib home and wash.
  • Regular breaks are to be provided for the purpose of rehydrating and hand sanitising.
  • Toilets are to be open for use.
    • Restriction on the number of people using the toilets at any one time to apply dependent upon the size of the amenities.
    • Soap and sanitiser to be available in the toilets at all times.
  • Players are to leave the venue in a staged approach.
  • No social activity is to occur once training has concluded.
  • A canteen may only be open for take away items. Food is not to be consumed at or near the canteen. 
  • Clubrooms may be open with a maximum of 20 people per area or separate rooms, ensuring social distancing is being followed and density requirements of 1 person per 4m².

When participating in training sessions, the following conditions are to be implemented by the Player/Parent:

  • Players must not arrive more than 15 minutes prior to training commencing and remain in the car until 5 minutes before training to avoid gatherings.
  • Players are to come already prepared to train – changing rooms will not be in use.
  • Players to continue to observe social distancing during breaks in training or when not training.
  • Players are to bring their own drink bottles and they are to be clearly labelled. No sharing of drink bottles is to be permitted.
  • Players are to leave the venue immediately once their training session has concluded.

We shall provide further information as soon as it becomes available.